Guest Code of Conduct

BC Place is committed to providing a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone at our venue. We invite you to help us make events at BC Place an experience that is welcoming and respectful for all guests, as well as those working during events, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, national origin, ethnicity, or religion.

Any guest not respecting the Code of Conduct may be removed from the venue and may be subject to arrest by law enforcement.

FIELD INTRUSIONS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Anyone entering the field of play will be subject to a $10,000 fine and ban from BC Place.

Unacceptable behaviour includes (but is not limited to):

  • Behaviour in contravention of any relevant Federal, Provincial, or Municipal laws, regulations, orders or guidance of the Provincial Health Officer and Vancouver Coastal Health, as well as venue policies, signage, or the direction of staff
  • Harassment, including unwelcome or hostile behavior, physical contact or sexual attention
  • Intimidation, including stalking or unwelcome following
  • Discrimination
  • Foul or abusive language, or obscene gestures
  • Physical abuse, fighting or making threatening remarks or gestures
  • Possession and/or use of illegal substances
  • Possession of an item that can be used as a weapon causing harm to others
  • Impairment related to alcohol or drug consumption
  • Providing alcohol or intoxicants to a minor
  • Smoking of any substance (including e-cigarettes)
  • Mischief which interferes with the experience of other guests or leads to disruption of the event (i.e. misuse of personal items, throwing of objects, trespassing in restricted areas)

For Whitecaps FC matches, please refer to the MLS Fan Code of Conduct.

If you experience or witness any forms of unacceptable behaviour, please bring your concerns to the attention of staff. Call Guest Services at 604-661-3434 or email:

For support outside event times, contact BC Place at 604-669-2300 or